Please join the Religion department in welcoming four incoming lecturers: Emily Silkaitis, Ralph Craig, III, Tyler Feezell, and MK Long.
Check out the courses they're offering this coming academic year:
Professor Emily Silkaitis' courses:
- Fall term:
- REL 16.01 (10) An Introduction to Islam. (Identical to MES 06.02)
- REL 16.06 (2A) Islamic Spirituality: Sufism, Mysticism, Asceticism. (Identical to MES 17.21)
- Winter term:
- REL 16.05 (12) The Qur'an and the Prophet. (Identical to MES 17.20)
- Spring term:
- REL 16.01 (10) An Introduction to Islam. Silkaitis (Identical to MES 6.02)
- REL 16.08 (10A) Shi`i Islam. Silkaitis
Professor Ralph Craig's courses:
- Fall term: REL 8.01 (3A) Transformative Spiritual Journeys. Contemporary Memoirs of African American Religion. (Identical to AAAS 27)
- Winter term:
- REL 41.01 (2) Mahayana Buddhist Texts.
- REL 61 (10) Religion and the Civil Rights Movement. (Identical to AAAS 22)
- Spring term:REL 54 (3A) African American Religion and Culture in Jim Crow America. (Identical to AAAS 22.10)
Professor Tyler Feezell's courses:
- Fall term: REL 10 (12) Religions of China. (Identical to ASCL 61.01)
- Winter term: REL 47 (12) Buddhism in China.
Professor MK Long's courses:
- Fall term: REL 2.01 (10A) Religions of Southeast Asia. (Identical to ASCL 51.05)
- Winter term: REL 41.07 (tba) Buddhism, Sexuality, & Gender in Southeast Asia. (Identical to ASCL 51.06)
- Spring term: New course proposal pending