Congratulations to the winners of our Religion Department prizes:
- Tina Li '20, Charles Howard Dudley Prize, established in 1974 to be given to a student in the senior class, selected annually by the faculty, who has demonstrated excellence in a particular area of study.
- Sofia Carbonell Realme '20, Dickinson Senior Writing Prize in Religion, awarded during the senior year by vote of the Religion Department faculty to that senior or seniors that have produced the best writing project as a culminating experience in the major or in a senior year seminar course.
- Emma Morgan '20 and Julianna Thomson '20, Religion Department Faculty Prize, awarded to a graduating senior who has done outstanding work throughout his or her career as a Religion major as determined by the Religion Department faculty.
- Celia Pivo '20, Hans H. Penner Prize in the Study of Religion, awarded by the faculty of the Religion Department to the student with the best paper in either REL 85, Senior Colloquium, or REL 20-series methods course.
Wishing them all the best in their future endeavors.