New Summer Term Course!
Visiting Edinburgh Professor Matthew Novenson will teach Religion 19, "When People Were Gods," this Summer 2014 Term.
[more]Visiting Edinburgh Professor Matthew Novenson will teach Religion 19, "When People Were Gods," this Summer 2014 Term.
[more]Professor Randall Balmer explored America's fascination with violence in his Sunday, February 2, 2014, essay in The Valley News, "Super Bowl: Sacred and Profane."
[more]Farid Esack, South African Muslim scholar, writer, and political activist known for his opposition to apartheid, will give the 2014 James & David Orr Lecture on Culture and Religion at Dartmouth on Thursday, April 24, 2014, at 4:15pm in Haldeman 041. The title of his talk is The Contemporary Democracy and the Human Rights Project – Challenges for the Progressive Muslim Intellectual.
[more]Professor Susannah Heschel delivered an invited plenary address on race at the Society of Jewish Ethics' annual meeting in Seattle, Washington, in January 2014.
[more]Professor Susan Ackerman has been appointed President of the New England and Eastern Canada Region of the Society of Biblical Literature. Founded in 1880, the Society of Biblical Literature is the oldest and largest learned society devoted to the critical investigation of the Bible from a variety of academic disciplines.